Values speak volumes.


These are the values and beliefs that drive me.


Cookie cutters are for baking

Every client is unique and deserves a coaching experience that is customized to them.

Humans are not set in stone

I firmly believe in neuroplasticity: “the ability of the brain to change continuously throughout an individual's life”. It is never too late to learn something new, or evolve into a new version of ourselves.

Fun and Lightness

Serious outcomes do not always require serious approaches. Fun allows us to access powerful parts of ourselves.


Transparency and Integrity

I believe in authentic conversations and encourage clients to speak candidly with me, inviting them to ask questions at any time. I also adhere to the International Coach Federation’s Code of Ethics in all my interactions.

Global Mindset

I have a profound appreciation for cultural diversity. In my practice, I draw upon my years spent working, studying and living in South America and in Europe.  I coach and facilitate in English, and I also speak French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Lifelong learning is a personal choice

I bring an openness and commitment to lifelong learning to my practice. With that comes a deep commitment to asking for — and using — feedback to better support my clients.


“Arlene invests herself and her energy in her practice.”

— Andie P, Manager, Environment and Climate Change Canada

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